About the Socks

The Original Foot Alignment socks were developed in 2007 by Eva Nemcik in Kirtland Ohio.  Eva had recently retired from her career so that she could spend more time doing the activities that she had enjoyed for many years, primarily  yoga and tennis. She soon discovered that the more she did, the more her feet would hurt. She started to research non-surgical methods to help alleviate foot pain and many of the studies showed that foot pain was often caused by mis-alignment of the toes. With a product development background, she had an idea on how to realign the toes with a simple sock product.

She created a prototype and it really worked for her. She began telling people about it and they all wanted to give them a try. Thus, the My-Happy Feet Foot Alignment Sock was born.

By 2010 she had registered a patent on her invention and since that time, we have sold hundreds of thousands of them all over the world. The socks have been tested by numerous yoga studios and practitioners, and we have had fantastic results and numerous testimonials on the benefits of wearing them in the evenings or even sleeping in them if the person was comfortable enough.


Eva's philosophy was that you do not have to stop wearing your fashion shoes or give up jogging because your feet hurt & then have to wear clunky shoes to accommodate your achy bunion.

Wear your foot alignment socks daily for a few hours or keep them on overnight and this will help to correct the misalignment of the toes. This will also help to stretch, exercise & condition your feet helping you to feel better. Of course this will not happen in a few days. But keep wearing your Foot Alignment Socks and in a short period of time you will notice that your feet are feeling much better. Your toes will begin to stretch & straighten out & you will be in much less pain. Foot Alignment Socks can be used as a non-surgical treatment for bunions, hammer toes, crooked toes, heel pain & general foot comfort. They can also help to reduce the need for surgical intervention. They help you by keeping your feet & toes mobile, flexible & less painful.

When Eva was trying to decide on a color pallet for her new sock line, she was thinking back to her childhood and was remembering the times when the people of the Republic of China were all wearing gray jackets causing the colorless nation to look sad and dull. 

Years later when she visited China, she happened to be out on a rainy morning, She saw many people rushing to work in their raincoats in all sorts of colors. They looked happy.  She wanted her socks to reflect happiness with their playful colors and clean looks. You may say that these are just after hours socks, who cares what color they are. Oh, no! These are the Original Foot Alignment Socks. When you look at your feet while wearing your favorite color socks, you should feel happy to know that you are being good to yourself.

You should be proud that you are taking care of the part of your body which is often neglected and abused for many years. Day after day we wear improperly fitting, pointy, high heel shoes. People jog, ski, play ball and continuously complain of achy feet but seldom do they do anything to improve the situation.  They know that just soaking them isn't enough and most times there is nothing pathologically wrong with your feet. They just put up with the aches and pains.


The Original Foot Alignment Socks are your answer!

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